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Please fill in our feedback form to be in for a chance to WIN a 100 litre ecokero voucher*
Fill in all boxes below:
Full Name:
How would you rate our service rated from:
  1 - Bad     2 - Poor     3 - Average    4 - Good    5 - Excellent
Q1 - How did you find the ordering process with Ukay energy?
Q2 - How was the customer service provided?
Q3 - How did you find the delivery process?
Q4 - Were you satisfied with the delivery made?
Q5 - How was your overall experience?

Thank you for submitting your feedback.

You will now be automatically be entered into our prize draw.

Thank you for your feedback
You are now in for a chance to WIN 100 litres*

*T&C's: 100 litres will be applied to your ukay energy account where you will be able to redeem against your next order. Voucher expires 03/01/2024
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